How coffee enemas can help with your health and aid in liver detoxification
Coffee enemas serve as a potent detoxing tool. Beyond aiding in stool softening and waste elimination akin to water enemas, they also facilitate liver detoxification.
Why does the liver hold such significance?
With its array of over 500 identified functions, the liver primarily focuses on detoxification. It filters our blood, extracting toxins and combining them with bile for subsequent elimination. A surplus of toxins can transform bile into a thickened sludge, impeding its effective removal. Consequently, this may cause a reabsorption of toxins back into the bloodstream, leading to widespread accumulation. By using coffee enemas, bile release is stimilated, expediting toxin removal from the liver and their eventual disposal via bowel movement. Moreover, coffee increases glutathione (the body's master antioxidant), shielding the body against free radicals and heavy metal harm.
How else can enemas prove beneficial?
Alleviate digestive distress: Address issues like constipation, diarrhea, IBS indicators, and gas, while also addressing parasite concerns and combating candida proliferation.
Enhance liver detoxification: Coffee enemas can boost detoxification processes both in the bloodstream and digestive tract, aiding in the elimination of heavy metals and diminishing overall toxicity.
Lower inflammation: This can subsequently alleviate pain and related discomforts.
Support various health conditions: Address concerns ranging from weight management and skin afflictions to immune enhancement, fatigue reduction, anxiety, depression, and menstrual discomfort.
Can't I just drink my coffee?
Certainly, savor your coffee, provided it doesn't exacerbate anxiety or stomach issues. However, coffee enemas offer distinct physiological effects. The compounds remain unaltered by stomach acids and reach the liver swiftly via the hepatic portal vein.
How do I do a coffee enema?
If you want to learn more about coffee enemas and give them a try, grab my 20 page guide HERE